11 Top Tips For Software Developers

Rules, guidelines, tips – you can call it what you want, in the end, you should help it to be more productive and to work more efficiently. In addition to personal intentions – such as drive regular sports or to care for a healthy diet – of course, there are many rules of professional conduct that should contribute to a more productive workday.

There are numerous tips to help software developers work more productively and efficiently. Also, some rules encourage motivation. There are, of course, many different guidelines together, from which you have to filter out the constructive tips. John Sonmez’s list of rules includes the following eleven tips that every software developer should take to heart.

1. Technology is just the tool, but not the finished solution

At regular intervals, new frameworks, programming languages ​​, and tools are thrown on the market, which is touted as the egg-laying Wollmilchsau to solve all programming problems. They are just the tools to come to a solution, but not the solution itself. Also, usually not every problem can be solved with the same device, and so the preference of a particular tool often creates new difficulties.

2. “Clever” is the enemy of “unequivocal.”

One of the top goals of any web developer should be to write a clear and easy-to-understand code. Clean, readable code is much more valuable than a hard-to-understand system – no matter how cleverly written. Although exceptions confirm the rule, mostly smart written law is not unique.

3. Only write code when it is essential

At first brief , it might seem contradictory to write code only when it has to be – after all, as a software developer, you’re paid to write code – in fact, doing so makes life a lot easier. Many developers are tempted to add features to their system that go beyond the required functionality, but it is usually this extra code that ultimately causes the problems

4. Comments are mostly “evil.”

Comments in the code are usually a double-edged sword. On the one hand, comments on the system can be communicated, which can not be extracted from the law itself, but on the other hand, they are – in contrast to the actual code – only rarely revised. Precisely this is the danger because it can easily sneak in errors, especially if the comments are not checked with the law. Therefore, comments should be avoided as far as possible, and these should always be revised when the code is changed.

5. Know what the code should do before writing a code

It should be logical: if you do not know what the code should do, you can not write the right code. Therefore, you should be clear about what you want to achieve with the system before you write it. Test-Driven-Development can help, but it’s also no miracle cure to avoid writing the wrong code.

6. Test code before passing it on to quality management

Without sufficient tests, no code should be published – and not passed on to quality management. On the one hand, this prevents the flood of inevitably following bug reports; on the other hand, it saves the embarrassment that others see the embarrassing mistakes that happen every time. Also, the quality of the code is not only the task of quality management but the responsibility of each team member.

7. Learn something new every day

Reading educates. Therefore, one should try to take time each day to read and learn something new. Especially given the rapidly changing technologies, it is essential to expand your knowledge in order not to lose touch continually.

8. Remember: Writing code is fun

Most developers are likely to have chosen this career path because they enjoy writing code, not because they pay well. In everyday working life, many developers forget that programming is fun. Attacking a new project can help remind them.

9. One can not know everything

Even if you continue to develop, you can not know everything. And that’s okay. Likewise, it is okay to ask others for help and to remember that you automatically acquire the necessary skills when you need them.

10. Best practices depend on the context

Best practices can help you write better code – if the context is right. It is not easy to apply best practices to each project, so it is essential to consider whether or not the advertised best practices fit the current situation.

11. Always strive for simplification

Every problem can be broke down into smaller parts, and a solution can be found for each one. The most simple solutions are usually the best at the same time, even if they are often the hardest to reach. Software developers should, therefore, take as much time as necessary to present the simplest possible solution with the appropriate application.

Productivity is no coincidence. There are many tips to increase your efficiency. However, the guidelines presented here may well be a good starting point to help software developers achieve better work results.

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